When is Mother’s day UK 2017?
Mothers get one day to be recognized, it’s called Mother’s Day, this year on Sunday, March 26th. In much of Europe, and the United States, the holiday is celebrated on Sunday, May 14. Mothering Sunday was originally a day for Christians to visit their ‘mother’ church. The day has since evolved into an occasion for kids to honour and give presents to their dedicated mums, and has lost its religious meaning.
Best Gifts for Mom on Mother’s Day
I think there needs to be a guide for all the hubbies out there for Mother’s Day.
Let’s start with the obvious flowers and chocolates – we all know they cost an arm and a leg on the day, plus your husband probably needs to stay in line for half an hour to get them. While they are nice gifts to have on any other day of the year, I think if you really want the women in your life to feel recognized and appreciated, this day is more about giving us a special experience, rather than a box of squares and some overpriced flowers that last maybe a few days. A special, unique experience lasts forever.
- To sleep in while the house shores are taken care of
- Being treated to breakfast in bed – it’s nice to be taken care of, even for one day, while we’re busy taking care of ever
body else for the rest of the year
- To receive a spa gift card for a massage and have an hour alone in silence
- Having a pedicure and scrolling through Facebook with no interruptions
- Having the house cleaned and not having to pick up after anyone for the whole day
- To start the day with a hair treatment and salon blowout
- To eat a cheese plate, drink wine and indulge in cheese cake without feeling guilty
- Not having to cook
- To watch reality shows for at least 1 hour in bed with a latte from Starbucks
- To wear lipstick and heels and have a place to go – not the park!
- To carry a designer purse instead of a bulky diaper or shopping bag
- To go to yoga or pilates and then have lunch with a girlfriend
Let’s make us and our mom’s happy. Just follow the instructions and let’s make this day worth it.
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