We were really thrilled when Lorna Burford, proud owner of the no. 9 blog in the UK Raindrops Of Sapphire agreed to talk to us about hair, life and blogging. In fact, in between her writing, attending photographic shoots, boosting her own social media and busying herself with her fan-base we feel truly honoured! There’s no doubt Lorna is very busy and her popular blog has been in existence for over 6 years now with a large UK and worldwide following. It mainly focuses on fashion and lifestyle but does include plenty of great beauty tips and it’s a blog that most definitely comes straight from the heart which makes it so enjoyable to read.
Lorna’s passions include her Raindrops Of Sapphire blog and The Jeans Blog, where she showcases many big designer names. She adores Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Mulberry and Louboutin but is just as excited by high street names too. With a host of prestigious blogging awards behind her and an incredible eye for detail on how to put outfits together along with plenty of useful hair and beauty tips, she’s one of our favourite bloggers. It is definitely worth mentioning that Lorna is also someone who lives with ME and has done so since she was 14 years old, so is an inspiration to all – thank you Lorna for taking time out of your precious diary to talk to Hotstylers.co.uk.
Emma:What does a typical day in Lorna's life look like?
Lorna: Actually, it’s nothing that exciting! It’s usually spent at home working on my various blogs writing articles and building up strategies as well as plans for the future. That’s what my weekdays look like but the weekend is spent doing photo shoots and having some downtime so I don’t get too overwhelmed as it’s often hard to shut off when you’re a blogger.
Emma: What's your best kept hair beauty secret?
Lorna: I wouldn’t say that I have a secret as such but for me, using the right products and an intensive conditioner is my must do. My hair is so frizzy and unmanageable if I don’t use good quality products and deep conditioning treatments.
Emma: We know your blog is one of the top read blogs in the UK. What do you think makes it unique compared to others?
Lorna: Thank you so much! It’s definitely an honour to be so widely read and lovely to hear that. When I was voted as number 9 in the UK this year, I was so excited! I’m not sure what makes it unique other than the fact that I’m a country girl, not based in a city. I’m from Bath and I live on the outskirts so I have farms and cows as neighbours. I think maybe what makes things different are the photos I use as well as being open and honest about my illness. This is because I try to keep a real, approachable concept on my blog wherein I reply to every single comment and message I receive and I’m always open about myself.
Emma: You've written about hair products and hair styling gadgets before so what hair styling tools do you really rate and which do you use for your own hair?
Lorna: I love the classic GHD straighteners. I think I have had my pair for over 10 years now and they are amazing! I also love the BaByliss Big Hair spinning hair dryer brush. I recently got given this and with my new shorter haircut, it’s incredible at giving it volume and style.
Babyliss Big Hair Brush BUY HERE
Emma: Do you have any advice for those out there who dream of becoming a beauty blogger (or would you rather keep your secrets to yourself!)?
Lorna: I’ve learned so much over the 8 or so years that I’ve been blogging, tips and tricks come and go, rules and regulations change, people move on etc., but one thing that will always help is be true to yourself. Don’t copy others because it made them famous, always be yourself. Your personality is what shines through and if you are passionate about what you do, your blog will take off. If you’re looking to open a blog because you want free gifts and money, it won’t work very well at all. Your blog has to come from a place of passion.
Emma: How did you get inspired into the world of beauty blogging and what motivates you to write about all those amazing goodies – it must be busy doing what you do!
Lorna: I wouldn’t say that I’m a beauty blogger first and foremost as my main genre is fashion/personal style, but beauty definitely is in there. So if I can change the question to blogging in general on no particular genre, it would be because I have a passion for it. I really love being able to share things with my readers and create a little community with everyone and I love being arty. I enjoy expressing myself through photography and fashion is what drives me. I’m motivated by my passion for it and the fact that I love it. But yes, it’s definitely busy! It’s like a 24/7 job, that’s for sure! With social media involved as well, it’s incredibly hard to shut off, but when you love it, it makes it worthwhile!
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